Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Sometimes we say we want answers, but we are afraid of what that answer might be because we don't want to be told that what we are doing is wrong. Romans 6 talks about how we are free from all the things that are tying us down. When Christ died on the cross, he completely took care of it. He gave us freedom from our sins, and we no longer have to live in all the pain, worry, and doubt that sin brings.

"Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of Gods grace."

You are free. Let God lift the burdens you carry off of your shoulders. You are loved.

Monday, February 18, 2013


A saying I always try to live by is "if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it." You don't have ANYTHING to worry about because God's totally got your back! Easier said than done, but true nonetheless. God has a plan for your life. No literally, He planned YOUR life. Jeremiah 29:11 says "'For I know the plans I have for you' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future.'" Now that verse isn't saying that you're going to have a perfect life and  be happy 24/7. It simply states that God made a specific plan for YOU that is best for YOU. We are all His beloved children and He knows what is best for us.

Sometimes we go through trials, not as punishment, but as a test. God wants to put your faith to the test. He wants to see if you really love and trust Him as much as you say you do. Where do you turn when you go through something hard? Friends? Family? Sex? Alcohol? Do you REALLY turn to God first and foremost, for everything? Thats where we SHOULD turn, but Im pretty sure it's safe to say that not many people do.. I know I don't.

I personally have been going through a very hard time in my life. I always thought I had a pretty good relationship with the Lord, but then He really put my faith to the test. I am having to surrender everything to the Lord. Literally everything. My friends, family, home, and mainly myself. The storms we go through can be scary and uncertain. But the funny thing is, in the midst of this storm, I am growing closer to God than I have EVER been. He has given me peace. I know that He has a plan for my life and He's got this all taken care of. Im not by any means saying that I have perfected this, in fact it's quite the opposite, but we always have to keep trying. Never give up!

Friday, February 15, 2013

For The Bad Days

1.Recognize what made you upset.
2.Find ways to prevent it in the future.
3.Vent your feelings to a friend or just to God. Don't bottle.
4.Write a song/poem.
6.Pray more.
7.Use your experience to help someone else who is struggling.
8.Don't be afraid to admit defeat.
9.Focus on the BIG picture.
10.Know that you are beautifully and wonderfully made from the inside out.

Father, help us. Give us the strength to face the day. Your love will NEVER fail us, Lord. Let us remember those words. We are not alone in these times of trouble. If we turn to you, you will save us and keep us within your loving embrace. Lord, grant us the wisdom to deal with situations as we should and let us not respond in anger to those who have hurt us, but let us respond in love. For it is you who said "love your enemy", and who are we to question you, Lord? Grant us peace of mind and heart. Let us follow in your likeness, when Jesus was in the midst of the storm he knew he was safe because you were watching over him. Give us faith, Lord. Amen.

Monday, February 11, 2013

For The Good Days

Thank God for how He blessed you.
Think back on the things that make you smile.
Spread your joy!
Wear bright colors.
Read Psalms.
Look back on how you got to this point.
Use your positive energy to do something you've been holding back on.
Spend time and encouragement with friends.
Rest in Gods peace.
Know you are beautifully and wonderfully made from the inside out!

Lord, remind us to always be thankful and always turn to you. Sometimes we forget to still turn to you with everything when life is good. We always need to come to you regardless of whether it is good or bad. Please, bless us with more good days in these troubled times and in these good days, help us seek your face more than ever before. Let us rest in you and know your ways. Bless America and her people, Lord, for they are very lost indeed. Help us as Christians have the strength and courage to rise up and speak the truth boldly for all to hear! Our homes and our nation need you Lord. You will never leave us nor forsake us. Amen.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

For the Weary

There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all the drama and the people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for those who don't. Life is to short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of life, but getting up again is living. Never forget to dwell on the good. Yes it is good to address the problems of life but don't let it overwhelm you. Try to find one good thing about everyday and fall asleep smiling. There are going to be days where you just want to give up. You're going to wish you could just give in to temptation. Don't. It's nothing you haven't seen before, and its not something you'll never see again. Overcome it now, so it might be easier next time.

10 Things God Wants You To Remember

1.I am for you.
2.I love you.
3.I believe in you.
4.I will not fail you.
5.I will be with you.
6.I will provide for you.
7.I will bless you.
8.I will give you rest.
9.I will strengthen you.
10.I will answer you.

Though the storm rages on all around us, we will place our hope in the palm of your scared hand. We will trust to you the day that awaits us and we will cling and remember your promises.